Item 601 out of 907
Lot # 601 - Floral Border Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint Silver Rupee Coin of Bengal presidency.
  Floral Border Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint Silver Rupee Coin of Bengal presidency.
  Floral Border Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint Silver Rupee Coin of Bengal presidency.   Floral Border Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint Silver Rupee Coin of Bengal presidency.
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  •   e-Auction # 43
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:494
Start Price 15000 Estimated Price 15000-20000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintShahjahanabad (Dar ul khilafat)
MetalSilverYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)AH 1220
RY (Ruling Year)48
Full Description:

Bengal Presidency (AH 1219-1221), Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1220/ 48 RY, Floral Border, "ze tayid Elah" Couplet, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: Persian legend "Sikka zad sahib-e-qirani ze tayid Elah, Hami din-e-Muhammad, Shah Alam Badshah" with royal umbrella and jasmine flower in the center, a wreath of roses anti-clockwise, thistles and shamrocks in outer margin, Rev: Persian legend "Zarb Shahjahanabad" with the epithet "Dar ul-khilafa" at the top, "Sana 48 julus, maimanat manus", surrounded by a wreath of roses anti-clockwise, thistles and shamrocks, 10.93g, 24 mm, (Stevens # 8.29), no test mark, about very fine, Very Rare.

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